Where do I purchase my DLP Lamp?
You’ve researched all you could about your dead lamp. You’re quite confident you can install it yourself because 10 minutes and 4 screws doesn’t seem to be that hard (it really isn’t). Now all you need to do is find a reputable e-tailer or retailer.
Of course, we here at FixYourDLP.com recommend our site sponsor Discount-Merchant.com for all your DLP and LCD Lamp needs, but finding the right seller for your TV can be an emotional, or time sensitive matter.
Suppose you need the lamp today, maybe there’s some place in town where you can get it. Buying locally is definitely a great way to save time, if not money.
If you’re interested in saving money though, think about where you purchase your product. Take a look at the company website, the policies, and refund procedures. It’s not always the lamp, so you might want to return it should the lamp not be the cause. How much is shipping? Is shipping included? There are a lot of ways to sell a product and a lot of poor companies out there willing to sell you their product. Here are some tips to make sure the company is legit:
1. Does the company have a reputable website?
2. Does the company have full contact information? This must include a phone number and physical address.
3. Does the company offer “free” shipping? Free shipping is great, but you get what you pay for. Most companies that offer free shipping include it in their inflated product price.
4. Does the company have adequate information about the product… including model numbers and literature on how to install or repair?
5. Does the company push you to buy the lamp and not help troubleshoot your television?
6. Does the company offer you an amazing warranty plan? Sometimes when a warranty sounds too good to be true, you’ll end up paying for it.
7. Does the company offer authentic, OEM product?
Take these into consideration before buying online.
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