DLP Troubleshooting Guide: My projector won’t turn on!
There are several reasons that your DLP projector may not be turning on.
Before contacting your service rep or paying for a costly check-up, try these 5 troubleshooting tips.
- Check your power: Is the power cord plugged in? Is the main power switch to the projector turned on? cord. Has it come loose? Check to make sure the power cord is plugged in and the main power switch is turned on if the projector—including the fan, doesn’t operate at all.
- Check your connections. Is the image source connected to the projector? Are the cables between the projector and computer secure?
- Check your batteries. If you usually turn on the projector through the remote control, check the batteries.
- Check your temperature. Your projector has a built-in safety feature that shuts down the projector if it starts to overheat. Check that the filters are clean so air can circulate and keep the projector from overheating and shutting down. Your projector will have a status indicator that will flash if the projector is overheating.
- Check your lamp. If the projector lamp has exceeded its lamp life, the projector automatically stops working. The Lamp Replace indicator on the projector will be lit up or perhaps blinking. You may also have noticed a change lamp message appearing on screen (have you been ignoring the message?). Be sure to buy only genuine projector lamps from an authorized dealer.
If you’ve run through this checklist and your projector is still not working, check your manual for further troubleshooting tips and then contact your local repair center.
Power light behind power button is flashing.and projector will not turn on
Hi Chan,
What model projector do you have? Usually the power lighting flashing is means the projector lamp needs to be replaced. If you give me the projector model and brand, I can find out what the green light means.
my tv just wont turn on 0ptoma widescreen hd dlp model#RD50AUXA
Hi Jennifer,
I would need more information in order to help you. The first thing to check is how old the TV lamp is and if it has been replaced lately.
Tried six times exits on submit
Hi Matt,
It’s the lamp then — it hasn’t been calibrated properly. Contact the seller and ask for a refund or a more authentic lamp.
DX399 Optoma Flashing green power light installed new bulb just flashing green power light. Will not turn on
Hi Matt,
This is the signal that the lamp has failed. Try re-installing the lamp paying attention to all the connections. Also check that you have reset the lamp timer to zero so the projector registers the new lamp. The other possibility is that the lamp is not an OEM authentic lamp and hasn’t been properly calibrated. If you bought the lamp for a very reduced price the chances are it’s a counterfeit and won’t work in the projector. Contact the seller and ask for a refund or replacement lamp. First try the re-installation and see how it goes from there.
Hi I have purchased andoride mini led projector with in a month red color is not coming how to solve this . I need to change complete lamp or . There will be some error on board
Hello Ramprabhu,
Usually when the colors go on these mini led projectors they have reached end of life. They don’t have replacement bulbs — losing color is one of the first indications that the lamp is finished. It may also be the color wheel but again there is not way to repair these small projectors. Very sorry.
Powerful SV 228
Hi Stanley,
Can you give me some more details? The thread for our conversations has disappeared so I am not sure what you are referencing.
Hi I have an optoma hd33 and it won’t turn on I have just replaced the bulb the power light just flashes blue
Hi Patrick,
Have you reset the lamp timer? If you haven’t reset it to zero hours the projector will think the current lamp is the old one that has run out of life.
I have a Mitsubishi wd92a12 and just replaced the lamp on it. Now it won’t turn on all it does is blink a green light for 30 seconds then turns on for 30 seconds then turns off… Help please
Hi Roger,
There is a bug with this model with the green blinking light. If the installation went smoothly then try this troubleshooting tip:
Press the “reset” button and hold for 10 seconds. You can also try to Press Power and Display buttons simultaneously and hold depressed for 20 seconds. This should turn the blinking green light turn to solid green.
If not try unplug the TV from it’s power source for between 5 minutes and 24 hours. Disconnect ALL devices from the TV; DVD, Tuner, Cable Box.
Rehook everything and then turn the TV to see if the blinking light has disappeared. If the green light continue to flash you may have failure of the DM Module Capacitors or a EEPROM Board failure or power supply failure. I am not an expert though. This website can give you more information: http://www.techlore.com/article/mitsubishi-blinking-green-light-repair-procedure. You could also join our forum (http://www.fixyourdlp.com/forum/) where there are more experts who can help you out. Hope this helps.
Can anyone tell me what my blinking light mean on my projector when the projector is turned off I have a steady red light when I turn it on the red light blinks turns to green and the status light lights up red It was working fine and then stopped my projector is a miss you Beashea XD206u. Please email me if you have any clue what this means
Hi James,
Your projector lamp probably needs to be replaced. If the lamp life has reached its end of life, the projector will turn on briefly and then turn off toe protect itself when it detects an old lamp.
I’m having some trouble with a Mitsubishi HC900 projector. The projector powers on with two green lights (power and status) but there is no lamp output at all. I have two new lamps and an old one that should still work, but none of them will output anything.
I tested it with the lamp door open (while holding down the switch) and noticed each lamp powers on for a split second then shuts off. The projector continues to run with green lights but the lamp doesn’t come on. The fans also are running.
It’s possible that all three lamps are bad but a little unlikely. I’ve gone through the manual and searched for a few hours and haven’t found anything similar to my problem. Any ideas to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Nick,
How old are the lamps? When was the last time they were replaced? If the lamps are powering on and then turning off, the lamps may have reached end of life. The projector is reading them as end of life and shutting itself off to protect itself. I would start with putting new lamps into the projector and seeing if that solves the issue.
I have an Optoma 141hdx that has a flashing red power light and a solid red lamp light. The lamp lights up the colour wheel spins and then stops on a colour then the light fades out. This repeats 3 times before the red lights appear. The bulb had about 1000hrs but I have just tried a new bulb and the issue is still there. Has anyone encountered this before?
Hey Jason.
This sounds lke your color wheel or ballast needs to be replaced. The sign that it is stopping on a colir and then fading out is a good indication that the color wheel is faulty. Sorry for the bad news.
Hi Jason,
It sounds like your color wheel needs to be replaced. When the wheel spins but gets got on one color, it’s an indication the ballast is worn out.
Sorry for the bad news.
I have a Dell 2400MP that won’t power on.
It’s plugged into a known good power source, and when I plug the power cable into the device all lights flash on top for a millisecond, and then nothing when I press the power button.
The cable fits snugly into the socket, so I don’t think it’s the connection.
Could this be a bad lamp?
Hi John,
Did you reset the lamp timer? That’s the final step for replacing the lamp. Until it’s reset the projector thinks the lamp is still old. To reset the timer: Reset the lamp usage going to the On Screen Display Menu and finding the Lamp Reset menu. Scroll down to Lamp reset and choose Yes. This resets the timer to zero and the projector should turn on. The other problem might be the lamp itself. If it’s a generic lamp sometimes the projectors just can’t work with them. Hope this helps.
I have a optima x600. It flashes green 10 times then red once.
Hi Dalvin,
That is the signal that your projector lamp has reached end of life and needs to be replaced.
I have an Optima HD142X I bought last year. I use it very irregularly and haven’t used it since October. I turned it on yesterday and the fans turn on, however the lamp doesn’t, then I get a solid lamp light with flashing red (the instruction manual says lamp malfunction). I wanted to get a new lamp and give it a shot but I could not have used factory installed lamp more than 50 hours. Could it be something else?
Hi Brock,
You could try cleaning the air filter and checking all the lamp connectors. You could also take out the lamp and re-install it to see if it will turn on. Sometimes this helps but the lamp could also have been damaged if the projector gets moved around a lot. Hope this helps.
No volume
Hi Steve,
I would need more information such as the manufacturer and model number to help you.
Bought a new lamp for my Mitsubishi. Turn the TV and and a picture does come on but then flickers and turns itself off.
Hi Michael,
First check that all the connections are secure and there is nothing loose. Sometimes a connection that is not fully engaged can cause this problem. The other thing to check is whether the lamp is an OEM authentic replacement lamp. If you bought it online from one of the larger sellers and the price was very low, then chances are it’s a counterfeit lamp that has not been properly calibrated to work with the TV optics. The TV fires up and then reads that the lamp is not calibrated and shuts down to protect itself. Ask for a refund from the seller and then buy from a registered OEM dealer. That should solve your problem. You can read more about http://www.fixyourdlp.com/2011/12/02/7-tips-for-spotting-counterfeits/
You can also check our forum for more help on this issue. Please let me know how everything works out.
Hi my problem is when the movie play the lamp is on after a few minutes the lamp shutdown . And the warning air felter intake model cp 2215
Hi Dennis,
You need to clean your air filters as they may be clogged and causing the projector to overheat. The other problem might be that the projector lamp has reached end of life. What brand is your projector? We have a library of manuals and you could probably look up yours to see if the end of lamp life warning lights have come on. The projector will also shut down after a few minutes if the lamp is getting old. The projector shuts off to protect itself. Hope this helps.
Hi Dennis,
Start off cleaning your air filters. If they a dirty or clogged they will cause the inside to overheat and the projector will turn off to protect itself. Your lamp may also need replacing because it as reached end of life. I’m not sure what brand you have but check our library for your manual at http://www.fixyourdlp.com/category/projector-manuals/ and check t se if the lights are on for warning about end of lamp life. The projector will also shut down if the lamp timer says the lamp has reached end of life. Hope this info helps.
MP610 turns on lamp turns on white no on screen display, lamp turs off, green light stays on and fan is running.
What could be the problem
Hi Jose,
This sounds like your lamp has reached its end of life and needs to be replaced. If the full lamp hours has been reached, the projector will read the lamp timer and shut down to protect itself. Usually the green light on this model is the indicator for lamp life and when it lights up it time for a new lamp.
Hello everyone,
Help! I bought a Dell 2400MP from ebay. It was advertised as “as new, no flaws”. Once I hooked it, the image has a deep green discoloration on it and there’s a weird smell of something burnt / burning. I used to own another piece of the same model and I know this is not a normal behavior. Any ideas of what could be wrong with it? Naturally, I need to initially diagnose the problem so I decide on my next step with the seller (potenial cheater) who sold it to me. Thank you.
Hi Mragga,
This is a counterfeit lamp. It has all the classis signs. Ask for your money back as this lamp can never be properly calibrated to work with your projector. Sorry for the bad news.
Hello! My Acer Projector X1161P wont turn on, when i click the power button it stays red it should turn blue. I just used it last night.
Hi Bonne,
That is a sign that your lamp has reached end of life. You can check the lamp life under the management menu. How old is the lamp? Have you ever replaced it? The other thing to check is whether the air filter has become clogged.
Good evening! I own a Sharp XVZ-17000 projector and it’s worked perfectly for 5 years. Tried to turn it on yesterday (I watched it the day before with no problem) and the projector itself powers on, solid green light, the lamp light blinks green (as it always does to warm up) I hear the fans on and then the bulb never illuminates and after about a minute, the lamp light starts blinking red and the power light starts blinking green and then after about another minute the projector shuts itself down and keeps a steady red bulb light and red power light. This bulb is only about a month old. I’ve used a vacuum to suck out the housing and vents. Taken the bulb out and put it back in. Reset the lamp prob 20 times. This projector has been perfect and I have no idea what’s going on. I had just used it about 10 hours prior to trying to turn it on. Any help anybody could give would be so appreciated! Thanks so much! (Apologies if this posts twice)
Hi Elyse,
Two things. The lamp you bought may be a counterfeit lamp. Did you buy it from an OEM recognized manufacturer? What you describe is a lamp that is not firing properly and getting the temperature to illuminate the screen. This happens with some generics and counterfeits is that they don’t have the right components to work with the projector. I would send the projector lamp back and ask for one with an authentic projector lamp. Did you touch any of the optics while vaccuming? That can damage your colour wheel optics. Try getting a new lamp first and check it for an authenicity label.
Hope this helps,
I have a Christie cp2000i Project but it won’t power up due to network connections
Hi Muna,
This projector should be working with or without a network connection. The problem might not be the projector but the with the network. Are there any warning signs appearing on the projector indicating that the projector lamp is nearing it’s end of life? I would recommend disconnecting the projector from the network and seeing if it turns on. If it’s connected to a computer then check that connection.
Good luck.
I have a Brookstone big shot UST that is about 7 months old. The other day it was plugged in but now powered on, I unplugged it and plugged it back in at a different location in my room, only to find that the projector would not come on. It is stuck with the LED power button indicator flashing red and pink. No matter what I try I cannot get it to turn back on. I also noticed that the projector is coming up as an available bluetooth connection. I do not believe that the bulb has burnt out but I am no expert
Hi John,
The problem may be with the bluetooth connection. You may have triggered the Bluetooth audio feature by unplugging it. Try holding the
Bluetooth Audio button to power off the projector lens and then back on. You can also try turning off the projector, press the restart button, and power back on. This should reset everything as well as the projector lens.
Hope this helps.
I have a Epson ex5210 it has been control panel locked but my projector is turn off how to I unlock it so I can turn it on , please help
Hi Kareem,
Try doing this: hold the Enter button on the projector’s control panel for seven seconds to unlock. That should unlock the control panel.
Good luck.
I have an Epson 6010 that won’t power on at all, no lights or anything. Outlet it’s plugged into is good. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi Virginia,
A couple of things to check:
1. Power cord is securely plugged in. Trying moving it to a different plug if if possible.
2. Has the lamp reached end of life? How long has it been since you replaced it. Where there any warning signs appearing on screen. If there were and they were ignored the projector has shut down to protect itself. You need to replace the projector lamp. We have a tutorial here:
3. If you have recently replaced the lamp then check all the connections. Try re-installing the lamp and reset the lamp timer. If the new lamp is still not working then it is counterfeit and not properly calibrated. You need to get a refund and buy an OEM lamp.
4. Other problems could be the color wheel or ballast but these are more rare.
Check these out and let me know if any of these solutions worked.
All the best,
My BenQ HT1075 projector won’t turn on when I press the power button. It is plugged into everything it needs to be including the power source all of which I have quadruple checked. Power has a steady red light and when I press the power button nothing changes.
Hi Kathyrn,
Your lamp has either reached end of life or been damaged. It’s most likely the projector turning itself off for protection. We have a guide to show how to replace the lamp: http://www.fixyourdlp.com/2018/08/14/replacing-the-benq-ht1075-projector-lamp/
Hope this helps,
I have an Optoma hd141x. The unit stopped powering on the other day. I ordered a new lamp for it which came in today. I installed it and when I press the power button, the blue light comes on for a moment and then goes red as well as the lamp light.
Any idea whats wrong with it?
Hi Joseph,
Two possibilities: Did you reset the lamp timer back to zero? It’s the final step for installing a new lamp and if overlooked the projector assumes the old lamp is still inside. Try doing that and it should work. We have a tutorial on how to do that : http://www.fixyourdlp.com/2017/12/15/replacing-optoma-hd141x-projector-lamp/
Press MENU
Select Lamp Settings
Select Lamp Reset
Select Yes
If you have done this then the only other possibility is that the lamp is a counterfeit and not properly calibrated to work with your projector. If you bought is online at a very low price chances are it is a counterfeit and should be returned.
Hope this helps.
Hi I have an Optoma 142hdx projector when I push the power button the LED turns blue and nothing else happens no fan No Light No noise nothing I broke it down cleaned everything fans color wheel color wheel sensor and sprayed it up real good put it back together same thing Powers up with a blue LED 60 seconds later shuts off turns red and blinks 4 times and then stays red for standby neither the lamp indicator LED comes on or the overheating indicator is it possible to still a bulb or can I just reset it and how thanks
Hi John,
You need to replace the projector lamp. That blue light is an indication that the lamp may have reached end of life and the projector is shutting down to protect itself. Start off replacing the lamp with an authentic lamp. The projector should turn on AFTER you have replaced the lamp and RESET the lamp timer. Hope this helps.
I have Optoma HD142X
The unit stopped powering on the other day.Then pressed power button lits up from red to blue as if its working. But nothing happens next, no sound, fan is not powering up, bulb is not working as well.
Checked the cord and the fuse same thing.
What might be the problem?
Hi Jacob,
It sounds like the projector lamp has reached end of life and is shutting off to protect itself. Have you checked the lamp hours to see if it needs to be replaced.
I have a Mitsubishi XD490 DLP projector, it quit working so I changed the bulb. Now when I push the power button it turns on for about5 seconds……HELP church is in the morning
Hello Rev Jim,
So sorry your projector wasn’t working for service. The first thing to check is that you reset the lamp timer after replacing the lamp. If this has not been reset to zero the projector will think the lamp is still damaged and not turn on. Next you can try reinstalling the lamp to make sure all the connections are secure. Where did you buy your lamp? if it was on the Internet and was selling at a very low price, then chances are the lamp is counterfeit and not calibrated properly for your projector. If that is the case then you will need to return the lamp for a refund and then purchase at OEM lamp. If not of the above works then your colour wheel and ballast may have been damaged when the lamp exploded. You will have to take it in for service with a technician if this is the cause. God bless.
Replaced the bulb on a DLP Projector model XD490U and now it doesn’t turn on and stay on. Only runs for about 5 seconds.
Hi Jim,
The first thing to check is that you reset the lamp timer after replacing the lamp. If this has not been reset to zero the projector will think the lamp is still damaged and not turn on. Next you can try reinstalling the lamp to make sure all the connections are secure. Where did you buy your lamp? if it was on the Internet and was selling at a very low price, then chances are the lamp is counterfeit and not calibrated properly for your projector. If that is the case then you will need to return the lamp for a refund and then purchase at OEM lamp. Good luck.
Can you reset a lamp timer without the projector turning on?
Hi Curtis,
Not really. If the projector is not turning on it’s because the lamp is not installed properly or hasn’t been calibrated properly so the projector can’t work with it. Try re-installing the lamp again to get the projector to turn. If after you have re-installed the lamp and the projector is still not turning on then you should ask for a replacement lamp that is an authentic OEM lamp.
Hello, got a epson eh-tw6000w that only shows blue blinking (warmup) when trying to turn it on, it hasn´t been used for two years and has not been running for more then 100hours Before that. removed and reseated lamp but no luck. have removed powercable and tested with other Cable – same thing. is there a trick to reset lamp time without getting to the meny of it? like holding Power and Another button for 10 sec or something like that?
Hi Anders,
Resetting the lamp timer is easy and should solve the problem. We have a tutorial you can check out: http://www.fixyourdlp.com/2018/09/19/replacing-the-epson-eh-tw6000-projector-lamp/
To reset the lamp timer:
Press the MENU button on the remote control. The Lamp Reset Menu will appear.
Scroll down to the RESET. Press ENTER.
Scroll down to the option RESET ALL.
A prompt appears asking if you want to replace the lamp.
Select YES when the confirmation pop up screen is shown. Press ENTER.
Press MENU to exit.
Hope this helps.
I have an HC3000 and it won’t come on as it’s power light is flashing green and red and the status light is off. The manual said that meant the cover wasn’t on properly. Does that mean the cover for the lense or what?
Hi Hayden,
That blinking light means the lamp cover is loose. Did you replace the projector lamp? If not, you should tighten the lamp cover and then get the projector turned on to check the lamp life left. It may be that you need to replace the lamp at the same time. Hope this helps.
I have an Epson EX7220. When initially plugged in, the power button glows blue. When I push the button and turn it on, it displays normal behavior- the power button and status button blink blue. The fan comes on high, and both buttons turn off. All lights are off on the projector, but the fan is running. After a few minutes the fan turns off, the machine beeps twice, and the lamp light glows orange. I cannot get any light/screen/menu/anything to come on so that I can troubleshoot.
I replaced the bulb with this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KOWJDXY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (I believe it’s OEM?) After replacing, the machine behaved the exact same way. No change. Could this bulb be broken as well?
Thank you for any insight you can provide on how to troubleshoot this issue.
Hi Unwise,
From looking at the price of the lamp is probably a generic — which is not a bad thing for this projector especially if the projector is an older model. Sometimes with generics they are not calibrated properly and this can cause the projector to not work. Did you reset the lamp timer after replacing the lamp? If that wasn’t done the projector will think the new lamp has still reached end of life and shut off to protect itself. To reset:
– Press MENU to display the RESET menu.
– Press Enter.
– A prompt will display asking you if you want to RESET LAMP HOURS.
– Select YES and press ENTER.
– Press MENU or ESC to exit the menu
– The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
We have a user guide that can be found here: http://www.fixyourdlp.com/2018/10/04/install-epson-ex7220-projector-lamp/
Also check the ventilation slots and the air filters. If they are blocked the projector will overheat immediately and turn off as well. Usually that combination of blue lights followed by orange is a blocked air filter or the fan not working properly. Start off by cleaning it and see if that helps out. Otherwise your fan may have stopped working and you will need to see a technician.
Hope this helps.
i have acer projector 3-D DLP X112 – power button flashing into red and blue. and every time I press the power it turns to blue for a second then it will turns to red. a sound like ticking before turns to red.
Hi Kiane,
Sounds like your projector lamp needs to be replaced. Those are the warning signs that the lamp is reaching end of life.
I have a Mitsubishi DLP XD490U. I turn it on and get solid green light from both power and status. Lamp turns on and will stay on fine for a couple minutes then shut off. Solid red light from power indicator and blinking green in status.
Hi Mark,
Your lamp is finished and needes to be replaced. Those lights are indications that the lamp has reached end of life and the projector is shutting down to protect itself. Be sure to buy an OEM replacement to keep your projector working properly.
I have a Benq w2000. It has about 800 hrs total on it. Today it would not light up. The fans come on and the green lamp is lit but no light from the bulb. After a few minutes it shuts of and a red light illuminates ‘lamp’ Is it likely to have blown or another issue? Many thanks Jeff
Hi Jeff,
It sounds like your lamp is finished and needs replacing. Did you check the lamp timer information?
I have an epson EX5210. When I turn it on, the fan goes on for a while, and then it sounds like another fan kicks in for a bit. Eventually the fans stop and the lamp light kicks in (flashing). I’m not sure if I buy a replacement lamp, that it’s the sole problem because of the projector taking it’s time to register – would it try to boot up for a couple of minutes before recognizing that the lamp is done? I thought I had more life in the lamp, but maybe that wasn’t the case. Also, if I were to purchase this lamp from amazon would it do the trick – seems significantly cheaper than other sources..
Thanks kindly!
Hi Kyle,
I would check the fan filter first to see if it needs to be cleaned. If there is a build up dust on the fiter it will not propery cool the projector and it will shut down to protect itself. How old is the projector lamp. Check the lamp timer to see how much time is left and that will determine if the lamp needs replacement. The problem with cheaper lamps is they can make the problem worse as they are not properly calibrated to work with the projector. If you do buy from amazon make sure it’s an OEM lamp. Hope this helps.
I have recently bought my projector Optoma 143X, after only 40 hours, when i start my projector my lamp turn on and display optoma logo, and the fans also work and after 10 or 15s, my lamp turn off and the power led et lamp led turns to red “Error code : Lamp failure ” and i can’t turn off my projector.
When i restart my projector directly by the power cable, its work again for one or two uses, and the issue comeback again.
Can anyone help me pls ?
Hi Dylan,
Is this projector still under warranty? This sounds like an internal issue not caused by the lamp. You can also check the lamp hours as the projector may be recording the number of lamp hours left incorrectly. Another to check is that all the connectors to the lamp are secure. If anything is loose it can make the lamp act sporadically. But the problems listed point to an internal issue with the power. Call the manufacturer and see if it’s under warranty to take it to a service technician.
Hope this helps.
Hello I have a mitsubishi wd-570u and the lights are flashing red & green. When I looked up this in the trouble shoot guide it said to unplug cord from wall and contact dealer, IMO this seem to be a bit excessive. I have replaced the lamp and reset the timer. I can not find any thing else to point me in the right direction.
Hi Will,
This combination of lights means the lamp cover is loose. Try replacing and re-installing the lamp cover. You can also see more troubleshooting tips with this online guide: http://www.mitsubishielectric.com/bu/projectors/downloads/pdf/wd570u_xd560u_xd550u/manual_wd570u_xd560u_xd550u.pdf
Hope this helps.
I have benq mp 610
And when i plug it in power shocket and press power button it turn orenge to green and lamp goes on for 3.to 4 sec and after that it automaticlly goes of but fan still running
My projector is 5 year old
Hi Jayesh,
Your lamp has reached the end of its life and must be replaced. The projector is shutting itself down as protection against the lamp that is no longer working. You will need to buy a replacement. We have a tutorial showing you how: http://www.fixyourdlp.com/2012/05/10/replacing-the-benq-mp610-projector-lamp/
Good luck.
Hi Shelagh,
I’ve a Excelvan dlp LED-9.
When plugged into power socket, the power button on the projector blinking red light and cannot be turn on. The projector is only 1 year 8months.
Hi Xuan,
The projector lamp needs to be replaced. Because the lamp timer is letting the projector know that the lamp has reached it’s end of life, the projector will not turn on until the lamp is replaced.
I have a 4 year old Optoma HD141X that was handed down from my dad and it has a problem. I recently replaced the lamp and it is now giving me 2 red dots. The lamp has a solid red light and the power has a red blinking light, I have no idea what that even means nor can I find anyone else that has the same problem. can anyone help me here?
Hi Rico,
Both red lamps at the same time indicates that the fan and the lamp are both not functioning. Did you reset the lamp timer after replacing the old lamp? If the lamp timer is not reset to zero the projector will think the old lamp is still in place and that triggers the warning light. For the fans not workin, first check that the filters are not blocked. It might be time to replace the filter itself. First check to see if they are dirty or blocked. When not enough air can circulate in the projector it will trigger the red light for the fans. You can read the manual online at http://static.optoma.co.uk/uploads/manuals/HD36-M-en.pdf for more tips. Hope this helps.
I found out what was the problem and it wasn’t lamp cover, it was a cooling fan that was frozen. I replace it and it works like a dream.
Wonderful. So glad it was an easy solution.
Our projector wont turn on or anything. The power supply says its working till we plug it up to the projector itself, what is wrong.
Hi Courtney,
Check the projector lamp. It has probably broken or reached end of life and the projector is shutting itself off for protection.
optoma h78 dc3 dlp , worked fine 1 week ago, no warnings, now won’t power on at all. is there a fuse on this machine ? or what else to try ?
Hi Jack,
Check the power cable and if that is working, then you need to check the projector lamp. It may have broken or reached end of life and the projector is shutting off to protect itself.
Hi everyone,
I have Optoma HD20. The lamp is in a half lifetime. But my son told me, that he heard some “plop” sound and projector was gone. Now, any of LED (power, lamp, overheat) is not on any color or blinking. It seems like that no power is going in. But I check that power cord, it is OK. I dont want to buy a new lamp, because it looks like power supply problem. It is the correct idea? If the lamp was gone, some LED has to signalize problem, am I right? Thanks for answer 🙂
Hi Josef,
The power is not coming on because the lamp has exploded. That popping sound was the lamp blowing. You need to buy a replacement projector lamp. If the lamp reaches end of life, the projector shut itself down as protection when the lamp is gone.
Hi, my house was struck by lightning and knocked our power out briefly. My Viewsonic dlp projector will no longer turn on and has a solid red power light. Advice?
Hi Jared,
Where you using the projector during the lightening? If there was a power surge, that would have overheated the projector. Check that the lamp didn’t explode.That would make the projector not turn on. The optics may have also been burnt with the power surge. Try the lamp first and if it appears to be in working condition,then you may need to have a technician look at it. Best of luck.
I have an Optoma X600. When powered on, the lamp comes on briefly and then goes out. The power LED flashes 7 times slowly and repeats. The . There have been no warnings for a lamp end of life and we don’t use the projector all that much. I’m not even sure how many hours we should get out of it. I removed the lamp and reinstalled but the same thing happens. Neither the Error or Lamp light are lit. I noticed that the lamp assembly has a rattle like something is loose if I shake it gently. I’d hate to spend the money on a new bulb assembly and then have that not fix it.
Update: According to the S/N, it’s an EH500. The lamp assy does not rattle, it was just the screws. I measured the resistance of the bulb and it was infinite. Howerve that does not make sense as it comes on briefly when powered on. I have ordered a bulb assy but it’s an expensive experiment. ($125) for an OEM Sylvania.
Hi Tim,
Have you checked the lamp hours on the projector? If the projector senses the lamp life has reached the recommended hours it will assume the lamp has reached end of life and power down to protect itself. Coming on briefly and then turning off is the classic action of the projector reading the lamp hours and shutting down. Try replacing the lamp and this should take care of the problem.
Thanks for the reply. I don’t know how to check the lamp hours since it only comes on briefly. How do you check it with no display? The projector never shuts off after the lamp goes out. It stays on with the fan running all the time and the power light flashing. I was hoping I’d find something somewhere about what the 7 flashes of the power light means.
Hi Time,
What is your model, make and year? Send that to me and I will do some research for you. Usually resetting the lamp timer without the screen involves pressing a certain series of buttons on the menu. You can also do a factory reset — as long as you don’t have any custom settings.
I will wait for more info on your model.
Hi Tim,
It sounds like your lamp has expired.
Shot in the dark here…
On my Optoma DLP model 1691, I’ve just replaced my DMD chip (1076-6318W) with a “listed as new” chip from Ebay (1076-6328W)(I wasn’t happy about the packaging, nothing looked new, the chip was wrapped in bubble wrap instead of anti static and the box was from an old DDR2 memory set) But the display surface looked a lot clearer than my old one, so I installed it…
Anyway, I inserted the new chip and used “Artic Silver 5” on the heatsink, re-assembled everything and now the projector won’t start… No power light and no startup beeps.
The control circuits and ICs do warm up (warm to the touch but not hot). There is also heat transferring to the heatsink…(but not much though).
I’m thinking I may have been delivered a bad chip.
Should I reinstall my old chip to see if the projector starts normally or do you think it may be something else?
The machine has <1000 hours on the lamp, but the original DMD was showing the dreaded white pixels of death…
Any opinion would be greatly appreciated…
Hi Bob,
This sounds like it may be an incompatible chip. What was the serial number on the chip? It sounds like your installation was done properly. This is a good website where the proper chips are paired with the projectors. It’s all about the resolution and year of the projector.
Check those numbers and compare them to what you have. I really do think it’s your chip.
Excellent! Thank you…
Hey Shelagh, hoping you can help. I have a ViewSonic PJD7820HD. One night suddenly while connected to a PC it quickly cycled through every color of the spectrum then shut off. The lamp is only 2 months old. I tried replacing the lamp again but no difference, the display doesn’t come on at all. The power button blinks blue slowly when off, and blinks faster when you try to turn it on like it’s in cooldown mode. Cleaned up some dust and the fan seems to be working. Any ideas? Thanks in advance…
Looks like the Lamp/Auto light turns red too when turned on. There’s also a buzzing noise on boot which stops before the red light turns on. Would the bulb not turn on if it tries to ‘spin-up’ the color wheel but can’t? Just a wild guess… If so, how hard is it to replace a color wheel?
Hi Chris,
The buzzing noise could be coming from the projector lamp. That red light is a indication there is a more serious problem happening. It sounds like it could be the color wheel. It’s usually the next thing to go on a projector. You can replace them and it’s not difficult for someone technically inclined. BUT if you mess it up you ruin your projector. it may be worth finding a repair technician. The you tube video shows what is involved replacing a color wheel but don’t do it if don’t have experience fixing stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbhFVKExGVQ
Hope this helps.
Hi Chris,
When you tried replacing the lamp the second time was it a completely different lamp? If the lamp was a counterfeit (easy to tell if the price seemed low) then the lamp may not have been properly calibrated with the projector and will will never. The blue linking light on the this model indicates a heating problem so the projector maybe overheating. Also did you reset the lamp timer back to zero by following this routine:
After the startup logo, open the On-Screen
Display (OSD) menu.
Go to the SYSTEM SETTING: ADVANCED > Lamp Settings menu. PressMODE/ENTER on the projector or ENTERon the remote control. The Lamp Settings
page is displayed.
Press to highlight Reset lamp timer and press MODE/ENTER on the projector or ENTER on the remote control. A warning
message is displayed asking if you want to reset the lamp timer.
Highlight Reset and press MODE/ENTER on the projector or ENTER on the remote control. The lamp time will be reset to ‘0’.
Not resetting the lamp timer will make the projector shut down.
The only other problem is with the color wheel. But try that reset first.
I have a optoma HD143x and it got knocked when in use, now when switched on all i get is a blue blinking light (powerlight) and no screen projection. Its only 6months old and had max 10hrs usage. I think its still under warranty….but trying to get an idea what it could be.
Hi Jason,
That blue blinking light means it’s in standby mode. How bad a knock was it? Did it fall to the ground? Check that the projector lamp is not broken or cracked. Check that all the connections and power connections are not loose. Check that the MUTE feature was not accidentally turned on. If it’s only 6 months old it should still be under warranty. You can download the user manual with this link and read more: https://www.optoma.com/us/product/hd143x/#product_download_128_tab
Let me know what happens.
I have an Optoma H31 the power light is flashing red and when I push the button the light goes out completely. I have recently replaced the bulb and reset the bulb timer
My DLP TOUMEI C800 start given with Rays. Image us not stable. Please What can be the problem?
Hi Shelagh…
Mine is a Benq MW712.
I plug it into the wall (powercord and plug verified working. Nothing happens.
When I unplug the power from unit, the power light comes on a few secs later then dims.
This is all I get..I’ve tried everything.
Any suggestions??
Hi! How are you doing? Maybe you can help me too!
I have an Acer X1120H. I was using it and it suddenly turned off after showing a distorted image. Now it won’t turn on anymore, but it shows its solid blue standby light normally. When I try to turn on I can only hear a little sound from inside, which I know is not from its coolers, nothing more. Not even the blue light changes. I opened it and cleaned cooler and everything, but it’s still not turning on… I forgot to tell you in the other message: My lamp was still 100 to 200h from needing replacement and there was no lightning or something during that would make it turn off… It simply happened.
I’ll appreciate if you can help me with some idea on wh’ts going on!
Thanks for your attention!
I have an Optoma GT760 projector and all of a sudden one day when I turned it on the power light just keeps blinking green and the bulb doesn’t light up at all. The bulb and temperature indicator lights are just blank. I rarely used my projector and I am sure the bulb life isn’t expired yet. After a long time of the power light blinking green, the projector turns off>red light on the power light indicator. I have changed the power cord, but the fault persists.
Hi Naveen,
It could be a number of things. Was the projector moved or bumped? That could damage the lamp and the projector may sense the lamp not working and shut down to self protect. Since the projector has stops responding to all controls make sure the “keypad lock” has not been activated as that will cause the projector to turn off. The blinking green lights can mean the projector is warming up or that the lamp is not good. It’s most likely the lamp. If it has sat dormant, trying taking the lamp out and re-installing it. That may reset the connections and calibrations. If not, try replacing the lamp with a newer model. It does sound like the lamp has reached end of life and although you haven’t used it much they do have a finite shelf life. Good luck. Let me know how it turns out.
i have a epson home cinema 2150 projector that i just had replaced by epson. none of the signal lights turn on and only the fan power comes on, but only when i use the remote power button
Hi Jackson,
First thing to check is that you have reset the lamp timer to zero. If it hasn’t been reset this causes problems because the projector will turn itself off. Other areas where there may be problems: check all lamp connectors are secure, make sure the lamp cover door is properly closed. If all these things check out then it might be that your lamp is a counterfeit that hasn’t been properly calibrated to work with the electronics in your projector. I hope these tips help you out and you get your projector up and running.
Black circles
Hi Eric,
Black circles on the screen? These are usually due to the lamp being touched and the oil from your hands or fingers burning onto the lamp to case black circles. It could also be your ballast wheel has been damaged. Can you send me more info on how what happened?
Hello, when I plug my HDMI cable I cant see my laptop screen i just keep seeing the home screen, there is no HDMI option in home screen and I tried with multiple Cables. I have DLP100WM projector.
Hi Moza,
What kind of laptop are you using? You may need to use a VGA cable instead of a HDMI cable.
Hi Shelagh,
I have an Artlii Enjoy projector which I only used once.
When trying to use it for the second time, I plugged in all the right cords and turned it on like I’m supposed to. The light shone green and then the image appeared for a brief second only for the light to turn red. I have repeated the installation of the projector several times and no luck.
For a little bit of back story, I am using an HDMI cable plugged into my mac and am using an adaptator because my plug is French and I live in the UK. The first try was made when I was in France a few days ago.
Thank you for your help!
Hi Marie,
It sounds like your problem is with the cable. I think you have the wrong type of HDMI cable so it’s sending the signal and not being able to process it. You may need a VGA cable instead of a HDMI one. This website is a great resource and can help you find the cable needed for your particular MAC. https://meetingtomorrow.com/blog/how-to-connect-a-mac-to-a-projector/
Hi Shelagh,
I have an Optoma x600 and I;m having trouble getting it to start up. When plugged in the power light is green but when pressed it attempts to turn on and then seems to abort pretty quickly. After attempted power on the power light begins flashing in cycles of 7.
Now, I’ve seen on other Optoma projectors this means that the lamp cover isn’t on correctly but I’ve tried with 3 other lamps (two of which were confirmed operational in other projectors of the same model) and as far as I can tell the lamp cover is installed properly. My question is this: Is my original assumption correct that there is an issue with the lamp cover/lamp cover sensor? Secondly, if that is correct is this something that could possibly be repaired?
Hi Ryan,
Yes that does sound like a damaged lamp sensor. These Optoma models are prone to that. I don’t think there is a repair for this problem. You may be able to get a new lamp cover but these projectors are built to become obsolete and be replaced. I will ask one of my experts about this and get back to you.
Thanks for getting back to me. I feared that was the case which is unfortunate. We have not been able to get it to work since but it’s nice to have a good idea of what is actually wrong with it.
Now I’m dealing with another issue with a projector of the same model (optoma x600). This projector turns on and shows a blue screen briefly and then cuts off even though the fans are still spinning. Oddly enough the power light is also flashing in sets of 7. Maybe it is the same problem as the last projector?
In any case I’ll continue to do my own research into the issue but if you’ve seen this before or know what’s going on I would appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
Hi Ryan,
For the old projector, if it is a damaged ballast then you can look into getting it repaired but sometimes to repair is more expensive than the replacement. If could also be the resistors and or the PSU part. For the second projector, I would start off checking the air filters are not blocked. Those red flashing lights in those series usually mean the projector is reading that the lamp is finished. How old is the lamp? It may have reached end of life or been bumped and is damaged. The fact that you are getting the screen and then it’s switching off points to the end of life signal being triggered. Once the projector gets that message, it won’t turn on to protect itself. If it’s the same model as the first one, you could try re-using the lamp as long as the first projector lamp is still relatively new. It’s a quick way to verify that you need a new projector lamp. It doesn’t sound like it’s another damaged ballast wheel though. Let me know how everything turns out.
Alright so here’s an update on this situation. It turns out both of them initially had the same problem which was a broken lamp door sensor. The second projector I mentioned is now up and running after opening it up and repairing the sensor (the plastic piece that the screw held onto had separated from the “roof” of the machine so I just super glued it back in place.) So that’s good I’ve got one up and running.
Now onto the first projector I mentioned. It also had a door sensor that had broken in roughly the same way so I did the same thing. Now it turns on (which is good) but all I see is a flickering mess. The image is very faint and it looks almost like a damaged vcr tape. Additionally I know it’s not the lamps as I’ve tested all three to make sure they work which they do. I do think you may be onto something with the damaged ballast or PSU though. Maybe it’s time to just let this one die but I’ll look into it a bit further. In any case I’m happy I got one working.
Hi Ryan,
Good detective work! Let me know what happens with the second projector.
So Ia have a conclusion to all of this. the short answer is both have been fixed and now run. The main issue seemed to be that the door sensor on both had broken in a way that was keeping it from actively reading when the lamp door was closed. (The plastic piece that the screw attached to broke off.) I super glued the fixture in both units. One worked right after I did that. With the other (which was the first one I messaged you about) I opened it up and kind of cleaned it out even though it didn’t really seem to be that dirty. I also detached and reattached all the wires inside. Though I’m not really sure what was wrong I also got this one working. My last reply was deleted so hopefully this one goes through if anyone in the future needs to resolve this problem.
Hi Ryan,
Interesting they both had the same issue with the door sensor being loose. Maybe this is a design flaw. Glad you were able to get both of them working. I will mention this solution to other people and add it to the list of things to check. Thanks for sharing this!
I have a Infocus IN3114. So i turned off the projector and i am pretty sure the fan was still blowing and i unplugged it and i plugged it back in and nothing happened, like it show no sign of life, the led buttons weren’t on and did not respond to the remote. Something like this has happened before where i unplugged the projector and moved it and plugged it in and nothing was working, not a single light or anything happened. i kept plugging in and out for 3 days and one day it just decided to work again but am not sure it’s going to happen again.
Hi Valentine,
Its one of two things: either your lamp has reached end of life and needs to be replaced. Or your filters are blocked and the projector is overheating so shutting down. Once you get it on again, check the lamp life using the menu options. It’s probably needs to be changed.
Hi, I have Epson Powerlite 965H projector. When i connected to the power supply i don’t see any lights on, even the power button, but it is making one beep sound. Do you still think it might be a lamp issue? I thought the power button will be on and the lamp button will turn to orange or red if it needs replacement.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi Steve,
It’s either the filter being blocked so air can’t circulate and the projector overheated. Or it’s the lamp. Sometimes the lamp blows without the warning messages coming on particularly when if the projector was knocked or dropped. If anything has damaged the lamp, the projector won’t turn on. Open up the lamp area and check if there is any glass or if the lamp is damaged. You could also try replacing the lamp and see if that does the trick.
Thanks for your reply Shelagh. I replaced the lamp with genuine epson lamp. But still it is not turning on.
It turned on once after few tries but after I unplugged it and plug it again it is not turning on but makes beep sound once.
Hi Steve,
Something else was having the same issue and it turned out the sensor of the lamp door was damaged. Check that the screws to hold the lamp door are still tight and that the door is snug when shut. A lamp cover that is loose won’t let the projector fully turn on. So try that first. The only other thing I can think of is that it might be your ballast wheel that has gone. How old is the projector?