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Alignment of 50" dLp, LED, RPTV Sam HLT5089SX

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:14 am
by def
So, my Sammy HLT5089SX, 1080P, rear projection, dLp, LED light engine (no short arc lamp and no color wheel) suffered from the stuck mirrors on the dLp chip. The screen looked like the Milky Way. I suspect that dLp component is subject to damage from excess heat.

I don’t usually work on TV receivers. My repairs are pretty much limited to my BMW boxer motorcycle, my riding lawn mower and my diesel powered motor home. But, it appeared that the repair took only a screwdriver and a new dLp chip…perfect. So, in I went.

The new dLp chip is working just fine however, when removing and disturbing the optical engine on these receivers, there is bound to be some alignment required after repairs.

I cleaned the lens, vacuumed the various boards and the inside of the cabinet as well as the port where the magical micro-mirror dLp chip is located. I dared not go further due to what appeared to be various mirrors, lenses and other optical stuff that looked like once disturbed, it would take an act of God to realign properly.

I know about the technician/service menus at mute-1-8-2-power. However, I have no idea which menus to use or how they impact picture quality. I do see the focus wheel behind the dLp chip mounting on the DMD board (whatever a DMD is). I haven’t touched it as yet…I’ll have to work up the courage to reach into the back of a powered TV chassis and feel around for that wheel while watching the screen in a mirror. It doesn’t appear that there is any high voltage anywhere inside the cabinet (exception 120VAC) but, please correct me if I am wrong.

I do recall the crackle of the high voltage (25K volts) section of my old RCA CTC40 chassis TV receiver. That thing scared me every time I hit the power switch…sounded like lightening inside the cabinet.

Those LEDs that provide picture and illumination have some healthy wires and cooling copper bars and what appears to be air cooling ductwork attached. They are out of the way and so, I’m not concerned about them. Those LEDs operate at rather low voltages if I am not mistaken.

So, my question is, is anyone familiar with the alignment of this style Samsung receiver? Which menus do I use? I see “factory reset” as one of the selections. Should I try it? Should I be concerned about reaching into the rear of the cabinet while the set is powered?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.



Re: Alignment of 50" dLp, LED, RPTV Sam HLT5089SX

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:23 am
by grayfox

After yrs of opening up and reassembling many many LED optical block RPTVs, with the 3 light tunnels, mirrors and RGB filters. I came to understand that most of the realigment was in the assembly itself. To the point I would mark the parts being unscrewed to realign them easier later! I woud suggest taking EVERYTHING out again and rebuilding it carefully and detailed, then powering it on.. Let me know if this is of any help if not we can look into the ser menu!

Re: Alignment of 50" dLp, LED, RPTV Sam HLT5089SX

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:04 pm
by def
Thanks Mr Grayfox. My R&R of the dLp chip is successful. I watched the Packers get beat on the set shortly after repairs were complete. But, I'm an anal kinda guy and love to tinker around, hence my question about aligning.

I have received the Samsung technician manual on a nice thumb drive but, I'm still unsure of which alignment services to carry out. Much of the nomenclature in the service manual is unknown to me. I understand focus...that mechanism merely moves some optics to sharpen the image on the screen, kind like focusing your binoculars. But, there are other procedures available, which to carry out? I'm not sure.

If you had just repaired a similar receiver, what would you do?

BTW, the picture quality on this Samsung receiver is really impressive. My other LED TVs don't compare.

Thanks for any advice.


Re: Alignment of 50" dLp, LED, RPTV Sam HLT5089SX

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:54 pm
by grayfox

Oh for sure, I have a similar Sammy, dedicated to gaming because of the awesome pictures, I did also catch the playoffs on it and currently march madness (eventhough my alma-SDSU Aztecs got it handed to them by DUKE, no surprizes there hehe).

When it comes to fidgeting with the service menu, I have not taken to this TV because I tried it once on a DLP, actually many many times and it was impossible to recalibrate the screen if for some reason i would mess it up so I have to bow out and not give out any pointers that might leave you blindly navigating calibration menus lol..


Re: Alignment of 50" dLp, LED, RPTV Sam HLT5089SX

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:23 am
by def

Re: Alignment of 50" dLp, LED, RPTV Sam HLT5089SX

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:59 pm
by grayfox
Sounds perfect, let me know if it gives you any trouble!