Samsung HL56A650C1F remote sensor not working

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Samsung HL56A650C1F remote sensor not working

Postby dvsone79 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:06 pm

Symptoms: TV does not turn on via remote control, nor does any remote control buttons/functions work. I know the remote control is good (new batteries, works fine on another Samsung TV in my house). Buttons on the TV itself still work fine (power button on front, and buttons on side). Green LED light on the TV lights up when I hit a button on the remote control, so it senses something, but not sending the command signal all the way through to the end (whatever that end may be!). I've tried completely removing power from the TV, and reconnecting after about 30 seconds. I've tried two different remotes, both of which worked on the TV before this problem started happening...

What is the most likely culprit here? And, more importantly, is this something I can fix myself? I'm pretty technologically savvy. I can build a computer, do minor solder work, etc. I replace bad capacitors in computer monitors (19" LCD panels) pretty regularly (part of my job).


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