iPad Speakers

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iPad Speakers

Postby rougeleader » Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:29 am

Hey @grayfox I am interested in getting some of these rechargeable speakers for my iPad, since the stock speakers are not that loud. I called their website and apparently they have an auxiliary input (the more economic non bluetooth ones). So I will be ordering one to use with my iPad and Galaxy note phone ;) I do not know why but I love a solid wired connection! :geek:

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Re: iPad Speakers

Postby grayfox » Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:23 pm

I myself have the bluetooth one, it seems to be louder than the wired kind.. I do like the security of a wired connection, but if you have a chance to try out the Bluetooth ones, you will be amazed. They have a great reach, good sound, and you can take phone calls (use it as a speakerphone!)
[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100421222828/ssb/images/thumb/1/18/MetalGearSymbol.svg/50px-MetalGearSymbol.svg.png[/img]Unit Foxhound

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