Solve Mitsubishi WD-73738 white dots with 4719-001997 DLP Chip
Stop Mitsubishi WD-73738 white dots screen with 4719-001997 DLP Chip
Usually this problems starts off with a few star-shaped dots that gets progressively worse until the screen is unwatchable. Known as Mitsubishi white death syndrome, this problem can be solved by installing a new Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W.
Note: These instructions can also be used for the following Mitsubishi models:
WD-57733, WD-57734, WD-57833, WD-60638, WD-60733,WD-60735, WD-60737,WD-60738, WD-60833, WD-60837, WD-60C8,WD-60C9, WD-65638,WD-65731, WD-65733,WD-65734, WD-65735, WD-65736, WD-65737, WD-65738,WD-65833,WD-65835,WD-65837, WD-65838,WD-65C8,WD-65C9, WD-73638, WD-73640, WD-73642, WD-73733, WD-73734, WD-73735, WD-73736,WD-73737, WD-73738, WD-73833, WD-73835,WD-73837,WD-73838, WD-73840, WD-73C11, WD-73C8, WD-73C9, WD-75837, WD-82737, WD-82738, WD-82838, WD-Y657 WD-C657,WD-Y577.
Find this new Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon and then follow our step-by-step visual guide.
Equipment needed
- Electric Philips screwdriver
- needle nose pliers or a 5mm nut driver
- antistatic gloves OR plastic gloves used with an antistatic wrist band
- soft cloth or brush
How to replace the 4719-001997 DLP Chip
Step 1: Put on the plastic gloves. Loosen all the screws found on the back panel.
Step 2: Put the screws to the side. Gently remove the back panel.
Step 3: Remove the 3 screws holding the lamp engine in place.
Step 4: Disconnect all the connectors. Important: don’t yank any cables.
Step 5: Carefully slide the light engine from the cabinet.
Step 6: Remove the 3 screws holding the color wheel protective cover in it place. Avoid touching any of the optical components as this can affect the quality of your picture.
Step 7: Carefully disconnect the cable between the terminal board and lamp.
Step 8: Disconnect the cables connecting the color wheel.
Step 9: Loosen the 3 screws holding the cooling unit/fan to the terminal board.
Step 10: Remove the cooling unit.
Step 11: Loosen the 2 screws holding the terminal cover in place. (Good time to dust this section).
Step 12: Loosen the 10 screws holding the terminal in place.
Step 13: Carefully pop the terminal out of its holder.
Step 14: Unlock the old DLP Chip from the terminal. You may need to loosen the screw on the side or use a flat edged screwdriver to pop it out.
Step 15: Place the new DLP chip into place. Handle the DMD DLP CHIP only by the edges because it is very sensitive to antistatic electricity.
Step 16: Put the terminal back into its holder.
Step 17: Tighten the 10 screws holding the terminal in place.
Step 18: Tighten the 2 screws on terminal board’s cover.
Step 19: Put the fan unit back on.
Step 20: Tighten the 3 screws holding the cooling unit/fan to the terminal board.
Step 21: Reconnect the cables connecting the color wheel.
Step 22: Reconnect the cable between the terminal board and lamp.
Step 23: Replace the color wheel protective cover and tighten the 3 screws.
Step 24: Re-connect all the cables running from the terminal board and light engine.
Step 25: Carefully place the light engine back inside the unit. Tighten the 3 holding the terminal board and light engine in place.
Step 26: Put the back panel back onto the TV.
Step 27: Tighten all the screws on the back panel. Enjoy your crisp, clear picture on your Mitsubishi WD-73738 RPTV.
Learn more about your Mitsubishi WD-73738 RPTV:
Find this new Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.
my tv has been messsed up like this for almost a year now and its to the point where theres so many dots u cant see anything ….Since this was no fault of my own i think the company should comp me A-either the part and service to get fixed or B- Provide me with another one mine is a 70 in”….and would be nice to be able to get some use out of it instead of it just sitting there and people going wow thats a nice tv and my response is always ya if it worked properly….thats defective equipment on Mitsubishis behalf and not mine….If they want to keep a happy customer they will fix this now…Ive worked in management and customer service so i know how the barging begins and how it usually always ends and shold end
Hi Jenna,
People with this white death problem on their Mitsubishi have had luck getting the DMD chip replaced when they were persistent and just kept asking to speak with someone higher up the food chain. The first contact customer service can’t do anything but keep asking to speak to a supervisor. They will usually cover the cost of the DMD chip replacement and you pay for the service technician. But, some people have been successful getting the company to cover the entire cost. Just stick to your guns. Definitely a drag to have to do this. Good luck.