5 flying tips for your Lutema RC helicopter
Here are some basic tips to help you get started with you Lutema RC helicopter!
Your remote control 3-channel Lutema helicopter is fun to fly but if you’re a beginner you’ll need to give yourself some time to master the remote control and certain maneuvers. With a bit of practice you’ll be flying your Lutema RC helicopter like a pro in no time at all.
These instructions are compatible with Lutema RC helicopter models: MIT35CMHB, MIT35CMHY, MIT35CMHR, MIT35CMHO
Tip 1: Stay safe
Be sure to monitor your Lutema RC helicopter when the battery is recharging. Lithium batteries can heat up quickly. While the Lutema RC helicopter is charging, get your space ready. Close windows and doors, move any objects out of the way and make sure you have enough space between the remote control helicopter blades and people around you.
Before you start flying your Lutema RC helicopter, make sure the it’s turned off and the throttle on the remote control is all the way down. You don’t want the helicopter spinning off before you’re ready to take control. And you don’t want any of the R/C helicopter blades to hit anyone.
Tip 2: Learn the Lutema RC helicopter basics
Your Lutema RC helicopter remote has three main controls: the throttle, the direction and the trim.
- The throttle is the left hand control stick. It controls the horizontal movements. Pushing it all the way up will make the R/C helicopter gain height. Push it all the way down and the remote control helicopter will slowly descend.
- The direction is the right hand control stick, also called the steering lever. Push it to the right and the helicopter moves in a clockwise direction. Push it to the left and the RC helicopter will spin in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Use the trim button to stop uncontrolled movements. If the remote control helicopter starts spinning off into an clockwise spin, press the right trim button to correct it. If it starts spinning in a counter-clockwise direction, press the left trim button.
Step 3: Lutema RC helicopter altitude control and stabilization
Your first practice will be to learn how to keep the Lutema RC helicopter at a constant and stable altitude.
- Switch the RC helicopter to ON. You should see some flashing lights.
- Place the R/C helicopter on a flat surface with nothing it its way.
- Take a few steps back before turning on the remote control.
- Slowly push the throttle up until the helicopter lifts off.
- Use the right trim button to stop uncontrolled clockwise spinning. Use the left button to stop uncontrolled counter-clockwise spinning.
- Land the remote control helicopter by slowing releasing the throttle stick. The RC helicopter will slowly descend.
Step 4: Steering the Lutema RC helicopter
Once you’re comfortable with getting the Lutema RC helicopter off the ground, try doing some maneuvers.
- Push the throttle stick up and stabilize the remote control helicopter.
- To make the RC helicopter move forward, press the direction gently to the right. Not too far to the right because the helicopter will just spin rather than moving forward
- Push the direction stick to the left and the R/C helicopter will move to counter clockwise
- Push the direction stick to the right and get the remote control helicopter to start flying in a clockwise circle.
Step 5: Practice makes perfect
Once you get the handle on how the remote works and the various directions the RC helicopter can fly, experiment with the controls. You’ll find your natural flying style and start doing more complicated maneuvers in no time.
Click on the photo to watch a video on how to use the remote control
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